About Our School
Welcome to Queen’s Drive Infant School!
We are an inner city infant school with approximately 240 pupils. There are 9 classes across the school with children in Reception, Year one and Year two.
KS1 – The school days start at 8:45am until lunchtime with a morning break. The afternoon session runs until 3.15pm with a further break as needed.
Reception – Children come into school from 8.35am -8:45am and have a lunch break that starts at 11.30am. The afternoon session is then from 12.30 until 3.15pm. Children have opportunities for outdoor play during the day.
Classes – There are currently 9 classes…
Year 2 – Otters, Moles, Deers
Year 1 – Squirrels, Rabbits, Voles
Reception – Foxes, Badgers, Hedgehogs
Parents are always welcome to talk to school staff in the morning about any issues or queries or can arrange a time after school.
Collective worship - our weekly assembly programme starts with Head teacher assembly on Monday, year group assemblies on Tuesday and Thursday, Picture news assembly on Wednesday and a whole school Celebration assembly on Friday. (Some days differ slightly in Reception).