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Queen's Drive
Infant School

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Assessment at Queen's Drive Infant School

At Queen's Drive we use both formative and summative assessment to inform teaching over each year group. Assessment is used in order to help teachers understand starting points in learning and to inform staff on the direction the learning will take for individual children.

At the beginning of their school journey in EYFS in September, children are assessed using a Baseline Assessment. This provides the teachers with a clear understanding of areas in the Early Years Curriculum that the children are competent in and areas requiring additional support. Learning journals on Seesaw are used in EYFS and for children with SEND where appropriate as an ongoing assessment record of learning.

Throughout the year, teachers use our online tracking system INSIGHT in order to track learning of concepts and skills across all subjects. Teachers use 'pre' and 'post' assessment tasks and writing to inform their teaching.

Questioning is also used throughout daily lessons in order to unpick the learning that is taking place. Teachers use questioning, so children can deepen the learning moment or address misunderstandings. This takes place through on the spot feedback during lessons.

Phonics assessments take place approximately every 6 weeks using RWI Assessments.  Children's sound knowledge and word reading is assessed. These assessments are used to inform future learning and make sure children are accessing the correct books according to their phonics knowledge.

At the end of year 2 usually the month of May Year 2 children are required by the Government to sit SATs. An explanation of these tests is below in the video.



At the end of year 1 children are required by the government to take a Phonics Screening Check'. This usually takes place in June. The video below explains a little more about the check.

Special Educational Needs  Assessment/ Engagement model

Over the year information about attainment and assessment is moderated across classes, the school and with other local schools.  

For any further information about Assessment please contact the Assessment lead Mrs Emma Talbot through the school email.