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Queen's Drive
Infant School

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Physical Education at Queen's Drive Infant School

Vision - For all children to be inspired to be physically active to live a healthy lifestyle through our diverse physical education curriculum

IMPACT -  We aim to teach the children a wide range of skills to be healthy and active and to enjoy taking part in sports from an early age. 

IMPLEMENTATION - Our PE curriculum is taught through Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, Games, multi-skills and swimming. These are taught by using 'Get set for PE' Games, Gym and dance units that are linked to the National Curriculum (2014). The units are structured to coincide with topics or events within school. The units from EYFS - year 2 are progressive and show how skills are developed by each year group. Each unit is adaptable to ensure that all children are included and challenged to their own abilities.


Gymnastics wide and narrow shapes




                                             New activities during sports week


IMPACT - By the end of KS1, children are expected to be able to work as a team, develop own thoughts and link movements and ideas together to form a sequence.


In school, we have a daily challenge in all classes - ACTIVE 10. The idea is taken from the NHS app called Active 10 which promotes daily activity. The aim is for everyone to take part in at least 10 minutes of heart rate raising activity on the days PE is not taught. This could include Daily mile, HIT, Joe Wicks, brain gym exercises, yoga fit exercises, trim trail, classroom aerobics or just 10 minutes of running around outside!


We are also part of the global initiative 'The daily mile' where children are able to participate in walking, jogging or running for 15 minutes. We try to do a 'daily mile' whenever we can!



                               P.E KS1 BBC Bitesize               Teddy Bear Challenge