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Queen's Drive
Infant School

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Welcome to the Rabbits class



Our P.E day is on a  WEDSNESDAY— Please come to school in your P.E kit.


We are a class who enjoy learning new skills to help us become independent and confident learners. We enjoy doing activities both inside the classroom and exploring outdoors, especially going on trips.

During the spring term, we have been enthusiasts learning about toys from the past and toys we like to play with now. We got to explore this further when we went to the museum where we got to explore toys in different contexts. The children had a lovely time and was able to make their very own pop-up toy.

         Museum Trip

Rabbits Class are fun and active and absolutely love joining in with WOW days and workshops. Recently we have taken part in a Lego and Toy dance workshop.


Summer Term!

We have been super excited to learn about our journey's topic this summer term. 

Rabbits have enjoyed being involved in different activities relating to transport. 

We have looked at key figures in history and their inventions, e.g. George Stephenson and Amelia Earhart and how transport has changed throughout the years.  Our trip to Duxford Air museum was a fantastic chance to learn more about travel and even go on a Concorde plane! In Science, we have been learning about seasons and using our observational skills to record the weather. The children have enjoyed spring walks, making weather diaries and writing captions to match the signs of the seasons. 

Our final topic of the year 'Groovy growing' involves lots of planting and being outdoors.

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Please keep checking Parentmail, this website and Seesaw for more information on upcoming activities.