Teaching and Assessing Children With Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
In this section...
How we support children with SEN to access the curriculum
Teachers differentiate the curriculum to meet the needs of every child in the class using high quality teaching. At times we may need to teach using strategies recommended by the SENCO and outside agencies.
We are inline with Equality and Disability Act.We have wheelchair friendly ramps at the front and rear entrances of school and also disabled toilets in each area of school.
We strive to enable all children to access all activities by
- Implementing support programs.
- Allocating support staff to support groups and identified children.
- Interventions are put in place depending on needs.
- Using computers, talking boards, writing boards, various types of technology, sensory aids, cushions, visual timetables and visual prompts.
How We Assess and Review Children’s Progress
Assess, plan, do, review. Assess, plan, do, review. Assess, plan, do, review.
- Structured conversations/review meetings are organised termly between parents and the class teacher and other agencies if and when required. The child is also given an opportunity to feed into these meetings.
- Annual reviews for children with statements or Education Health and Care Plans are organised.(These are arranged by the school SENCO)
- Outside agencies regularly review the child’s progress they are monitoring and feedback through reports or meetings to the SENCO and parents.
- Additional intervention impact is monitored.
How we support children with SEN to access the curriculum
- Provide skilled additional adults to support the children where appropriate.
- Flexible arrangements to meet the child’s individual needs.
- Accessing an enriched curriculum will be discussed with parents/carers and any other outside agencies so that accessible needs are met.
- Additional risk assessments are carried out.
- Staff are trained to work with children with specific needs.
- Adult and child ratios are carefully monitored.
- Additional resources are supplied to support individuals.