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Queen's Drive
Infant School

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Welcome to the Moles class!


In Moles Class we have started to enjoy chapter books and we have nearly finished Matilda, we could not believe that Miss Trunchbull was Miss Honey’s aunt!  

When we have spare time we really enjoy movement breaks using Go Noodle, our favourite dances are; Milkshake, Cheerleader and Alien Boogie. 


We bring in our book bags, reading books and reading records EVERY DAY to improve our reading. The reading books will be changed throughout the week and there are prizes on Friday’s for the children that have bought them in each day. Remember to read at least 3 times each week and write it down in the reading record for a prize! The name of the book, the date and a smily face is enough.  


In Autumn Term 1 our topics are ‘Step Back in Time’ which was all about The Victorians. We went on a lovely school trip to Ramsey Rural Museum where we had opportunities to explore artefacts and find out more about life I the Victorian times. We even had a Victorian lunch! 

We focussed on geography in Autumn 2, looking at our world. Learning about the different continents and oceans. Can your child tell you the names of the continents? We loved using Google Earth to find places we know like famous landmarks. We linked our science closely to this topic and thought about how animals have adapted to living in the different habitats in the continents. 


Next in Spring 1 we went back to the 1600’s and found out about The Great Fire of London and the Plague. Our writing was linked to this with our books covering the same topics – we are now experts about the daft ideas they had about protecting yourself from germs! We wrote diary entries like Samuel Pepys and had a super Wow Day where we made nose gays, salt dough bread and tried writing with quills and ink.  

Our topic in Spring 2 was Africa, we didn’t look at this continent in Autumn 2 so it was great fun learning about it. We identified human and physical features of different parts of the world and compared it to the other continents that we already knew about. 

In Summer we get back outside with 2 topics; Let’s grow well and Nuts about Nature. In Let’s Grow Well we will be looking at the history of nursing and finding out more about significant individuals who have helped shape modern medicine. We will be looking at growing seeds and checking on the bulbs we have planted in autumn. Finally we will be comparing and contrasting different locations using all of the geographical knowledge we have learned so far in our Nuts about Nature topic. 


Moles have P.E on THURSDAYS-Please come to school in your P.E kit.


Please keep checking Parentmail, this website and Seesaw for more information on upcoming activities