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Queen's Drive
Infant School

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                   Welcome to the Voles Class!


In our class you will find Mrs McCarthy teaching us on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Miss Turner takes over on Wednesday afternoon and teaches Thursday and Friday.

We enjoy learning through play, working together outside on our decking, working in small groups and independently. Learning to count forwards and backwards to 100 is a great start then we move on to counting in 2’s. 5’s and 10’s, problem solving all the way!

We are learning to write simple sentences , always remembering when to use a capital letter, full stop and sometimes even a question mark or exclamation mark! Write stuff is so much fun, we always read exciting stories linked to our topics.


We love WOW days where we get to see a visitor, go on a trip or emerge into our new topic… We LOVED the lego workshop in Autumn and had great fun learning about old toys at the museum.


We became enthusiastic builders during our DT days!

We enjoy designing and building our creations.

The children in the Voles class are always so excited to see their grown-ups when we hold story café’s throughout the year… remember to come along when invites are sent out!

Our first Summer term topic was 'Journeys' and we found out all about important inventions and people from history. We had a fabulous visit to Duxford Air museum and saw lots of planes. 

Our last topic of Year 1 is 'Groovy growing' where we are really enjoying planting and learning about different aspects of nature.

Voles have P.E on Tuesdays -Please come to school in your P.E kit.