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Queen's Drive
Infant School

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Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which is how the Government and Early years professionals describe the time between birth and 5 years. Miss Hopley is leading the team and is happy to answer any questions that you may have.

We work closely with the children’s previous settings to ensure the children settle in as quickly as possible. At Queen’s Drive Infants School every child matters, we work hard to get to know individuals and build positive relationships so that the children feel safe and happy in our stimulating learning environments.


Once the children feel happy and safe we make the most of their natural curiosity and love of learning through topics based on well-loved core stories. (See the topic plan below)

We follow the daily READ WRITE INC programme for teaching children Reading and Phonics and use phonically decodable texts from RWI Home Book Bags. The books are closely match to the child's phonics knowledge. We will change reading and library books once a week to encourage reading confidence and fluency. We use Write Stuff to teach Writing.

Click on the link below to find out about READ WRITE INC and how you can support your child/children at home.Also see the attached frequently asked questions document.

During this important phase the children learn both inside and outside the classroom.

Areas of learning include

Prime Specific

Communication and language


Physical development


Personal, social and emotional development

Understanding the world
  Expressive art and design

The teachers plan carefully to meet individual and groups needs ensuring that all children make good or better progress and reach those important early learning goals (see below)

We work closely with parents to help all children achieve their potential.

Please ask your class teacher or Miss Hopley if you have any questions, they will be happy to help.

Keeping you in the picture!

We use Seesaw our online platform as a tool for you to see what your child is learning and achieving in school. This will be through photos of activities, work, observations, videos and your child's voice.

Home Learning Opportunities

We set weekly homework on Seesaw – our online learning platform.

Useful Links for Parents -

Click on the image to view our padlet page