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Queen's Drive
Infant School

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Welcome to the Foxes class


This half term, we are having lots of fun settling into our new Foxes Class and making lots of new friends.  We have already started learning letter sounds and are loving learning number songs with actions! How exciting!





We are doing brilliantly at learning our class rules and expectations! Well done Foxes!



We are developing friendships within our class, following the rules and expectations. 


We start every day with a ‘Read Write Inc’ session. We learn a new sound and learn to use ‘fred talk’ to read simple words such as c-a-t = cat! Aren’t we clever! 


At Queen’s Drive, our expectation is that children will read at least three times a week. Please remember to put a comment or a smiley face in their reading diary. At the end of every half term, children who have read at least three times every week get an exciting prize!



Foxes have P.E on TUESDAYS-Please come to school in your P.E kit.


Please keep checking Parentmail, this website and Seesaw for more information on upcoming activities.


Thanks so much for your support.