Welcome to the Rabbits class
Rabbits have done a fantastic job at settling into Year 1. During our first WOW day we met the superhero Ghost Spider who taught us the skills to be a great superhero! We had such a fun time. This linked to our first Autumn term topic of SUPER ME. We also enjoyed an Active week in school where we got involved in different PE activities and met a Team GB athlete, Chad Miller. To celebrate all that we had learnt, we even dressed up as a superhero for the day!
Our Autumn term 2 topic was LEGO CITY and we had a fantastic workshop where we made Peterborough buildings from Lego. We also learnt about a range of different materials in our Science lessons.
This term our latest topic is 'TOY STORY'. We have started finding out about toys from the past and have a visit to the museum planned. We will also be working on a project in DT this term and developing our Computing skills.
Our P.E day is on a THURSDAY— Please come to school in your P.E kit.
Keep checking Parentmail and this website for more information on upcoming activities.